Sunday, February 15, 2009

Turning the Dreaded Weekend Into Closer Family Time.

We made it through another weekend! Actually this weekend was a breeze. Usually John & I can't say that because weekends are a mess. Awful to admit, I know. But after talking about it we decided to make this a "can" weekend and it WORKED!! Yahooey! So I am here to toot our horns and sing because we are all here and looking forward to the two days we have left of our four-day weekend that we were truly dreading.

It has taken creativity on our part, but every time Kentston or Kailey has been doing something that is unacceptable we have tried to let them know what they can do and didn't tell them what they were doing was wrong. So we never used the word "no" or "can't" or "stop." Dude, I am here to say it was hard at first, but no one had to raise their voice and we had no fighting! It was awesome!!!!!!!!!! I think we're going to make it. Whew!

P.S. With the exception of Barbie and her house, cruise ship and her car, along with Diego and his house strung all over my living room...I couldn't be happier and more content. Y

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