Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hello blogging world!

I swore that I wouldn't ever start blogging, but now I see it is great to stay in touch with friends and share what is going on in life. So I guess hang on, it may be a bumpy ride!!

John is working graveyard shifts at Simplot Phosphates, so this is a nice quiet activity for me to pursue while he is sleeping the daylight away...

Kailey is doing well, she is now 8 years-old and quite the "Miss Priss." Where did she get that? Who knows! She was baptized in July and she never ceases to amaze us. Her health is great so far this winter, but I can't help holding my breath! Her eyes are holding their own, Dr. Hoffman the opthalmologist said the "stable" word at her appointment last month! But Kailey is starting to realize what the braille instruction and her cane is all about. She cries about losing her sight and as a mother, I thought I was ready for whatever the Lord decided. When I see Kailey's desperation at keeping her sight I want to curl up and die. She is doing well in school academically and is a smarty pants. The autism still throws a lot of wrenches in the mix, but we are accustomed to her quirks...

Kentston, on the other hand, is the reason we laugh or if we scream! He has been a true challenge. It seems as if he and Kailey have switched places. He is now our medical nightmare. The seizures seem to come and go and calling the Neurologist is a monthly event to adjust his medications. His autism is more severe than Kailey's, so there are days I would gladly run away and change my name...but I look into those blue eyes and he simply doesn't understand my frustration. That makes two of us! He loves to line up his Matchbox cars and loves to control who can walk over them! He builds towers and draws plans for buildings most of the day...even when he is at school! But the best part of it all is...he goes to school...finally!! I thought preschool was going to kill us all (including his teachers). But now after making him a special book with pictures of a "happy Kentston" getting on the bus & etc., he goes to Kindergarten every day now without a fight. Yahooey!
I am loving being a stay-at-home mommy. Most days are pretty eventful, I jump when the phone rings worried that it is the school calling because Kentston is having a bad day. Lately, the phone calls are not coming from the school. I even went to the temple for a session while the kids were at school and didn't worry...that was the best accomplishment of all. I started a parent support group for families with autistic kids and it is going well. Just knowing that we're not alone with these trials gets me through most days!!

1 comment:

MJ said...

Oh I am so glad you are starting blogging! For me, it is like a journal and then a perk is actually knowing what is going on with family and friends! I am sorry to hear about your challenges, children bring all sorts of tears and frustrations and then also joy and happiness. They are cute kids! I hope you keep this up so we can actually keep in touch as we never go to Vernal anymore. (Mikes parents moved up here!) Hang in there and we'll check back often! :)